Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tour de France Knit a long: Choices – to frog or not

My TDF KAL project Lisa’s periwinkle got off to a great start and within 2 days I was halfway through the published stated length or about 22 inches. Unfortunately, the combo of yarns was not saying to me, this is great. Instead it was saying to me, this looks like the afghan you made last year and I dont want to wear an afghan. I decided to put the project aside for a day or two hoping that some time away would enhance its love to me.


I quicky cast on project 2 for tdfkal raspberry ribbon scarf. Again this is another quick knit and one that I had the exact yarn(imagine that) in my stash. k1c2 Tartelette.

I first used this yarn about 10 years ago to make a self fringing shawl; I loved it and quickly searched out 7 more colorways from an online seller. I still have some of 2 colorways. As this project is knitting up I like it; I guess it looks like the picture which was a look I liked. I can see this pattern in other yarns as it is a one skeiner. I think as soon as i finish I will choose another stash yarn and make again to see if I can deviate from the pattern ie be a little creative.

Through all my years of knitting choosing the right yarn for the pattern has always been a struggle. Ravelry is a great source to see what others have done I see many beautiful patterns but yarn availalbility is limited even with the internet. I even see that in different countries brand availability changes. Sometimes yarns are dsicontinued by the time the book is published(saw this last night when researching yarn for Plum Perfect Swirl design. I have often thought it would be a great idea of kitting up yarns for patterns and selling them like that , especially for magazine designs.

Eventually I will need to decide what to do with the periwinkle. I am not a fan of ripping but nor do I want a finished item I will never use. I will most likely have to trash the frogged yarn as lengths are short. This was one of 2 major knits in my dead heat dash project as well so will have to use my get out of jail free pass and do some substituting.

Frog or knit on….


  1. I think the basic idea you have is good, but the two pinks aren't playing well with the blues, especially the strong pink. It's fighting with everything else and wants to be the center stage. The other colors and textures are playing together just fine.

    Having peeked at your rav stash I'd be tempted to frog, swatch with the yarns you're currently using, except take out the hot pink and replacing it with the King Cole Luxury Mohair held with the Knit One Crochet Too Ty-Dy Socks Dots.

  2. Thank you for the idea; The bright pink was a last minute addition . SInce I have time yet this month I will tear apart and as you said see how it swatches without( I didnt like the bt pink anyhow as it had little pieces of plastic! tied in and was crnkly). Unfortunately I have started my sos 2nd project with the K1C2 ty dye. Maybe I can double the mohair. Stay tuned for version 2.
